Sunday, October 18, 2009

Movie Review - Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Well, I've been looking forward to seeing this for a while now. I'm a big fan of the books and to a lesser extent the movies. I was really pissed with all the crap about delaying release dates etc. When it was finally released, I didn't bother going to see it in the cinema.
Anyway, enough of the rant, back to the movie. I thought it was very rushed, alot of the important parts from the book were either glossed over or ignored completely. The story focused on the main characters respective love lives and the whole voldemort thing took a back seat to the raging hormones. There were some death eaters and stuff got burned and they squeezed in Dumbledore's murder (just about, the whole big battle was cut out). They took an amazing and emotional book that took the tie between reader and character to a new level and turned it in to a (crappy) teen drama in an unusual setting. And last but not least, where the hell did the scene with the Burrow being burned down come from, I certainly don't remember it in the book and it had no bearing on the story other than to reinforce how much Ginny and Harry care about each other (vomit in my throat)On the plus side, it retained some of the humour of the previous movies and the few quidditch matches shown were by far the best representation of the sport in the movies to date. Overall I was very disappointed, 4.5/10

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